Saturday, June 23, 2012


Yay finally is summer <3 Yesterday was my last day of school and everyone was like. OMG TEACHER WE'LL MISS YOU SO MUCH OMG OMG OMG Q_Q. Whatevers. Anyways I'm happy summer finally came :D. And guess wut .-. Yesterday (Friday) Since like no one came (ppl wanted to skip last week of school since like no one would come) Meh classroom 6A and the other classroom 6B went into our classroom to spend the day watching movies and etc etc. I was there with some friends and a guy from 6B came and started to ask me weird questions and then start to flirt with me o-o. It was something like this:
-What's ur name?
 - Nicoleta (yea I fking hate my name D:) So that's why I use Nicol or Nikky instead
-You have period?
I was like o_o dafuq did he ask to me? I said "lol what kind of question is that?"
-Are you still a virgin?
Well then he started to flirt with me -.- . Well he was telling me something I didn't understand and I was like o-o I came closer to him to hear better AND HE ALMOST KISSED ME WTF. My friends were like WOHOOO ._. Then I sat on the bench (sitting on the chair is for old people LOL) and he LOL IDK HOW TO SAY THIS. He pulled meh feet to see my panties ._. but LOL I was wearing short jeans he didn't notice. I was like /slap but he evoided it. I was like .______________________." Oh and laters he asked me if I got any bf. I was like: no I never had one. He told me "wanna be my girlfriend" I said: no. And I didn't see him anymore LOLOLOLOL. Before he was following me like a puppy and when I dumped him he dissapeared in a cloud of shame OTL.

Guys suck .-. OH! And I forgot to tell you guys that he told me:
At our age boys don't look if the girl is cute or smart, they look at the boobs.

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