Friday, June 1, 2012

Updates updates updatesss

So as can chu see if ur not blind I changed few things in blog o3o
- Blog pic
- Music Bar thingie (japanese songs ftwwwwwwww)
- Meh chars pics (before I had just an ugly Viv)
Something else? o-o...

Well now I guess everyone is happy and kinda busy since  IT'S JUNE FUCK YEAH ALMOST SUMMER and like everyone got finaaaallllssssss (good luck ^-^) Psssssssttttt o3o; I got no finals 8D..

We almost finished all books and chapters etc etc etc, we just got few easy exams and done :DDD
But yea here in Spain is a bit different than in Romania, I mean HERE IS MORE SCHOOL Q_Q
Yea school there ends at 10-12th of June and here on 22th of June fml but eh just 2 more weeks ^^;;

Btw guess wut -.-' in dat trip we had A GUY ASKED ME FOR DATE  a ugly fat one
BUT STILL. /feels popular. Already 3 guys asked me in the beggining of this year so yea... -.-'
If any guy from my class read this bs, (i don't think they will understand) lemme tell u guys
I DON'T WANT A !"·$%&/!"!@ BOYFRIEND. I mean srsly? we are 12-13 -.-' don't u think WE ARE TOO YOUNG!? I don't know about u !!@#~#@#" boys but I'm going to school to STUDY AND LEARN MORE THINGS. And yea it seems like I'm the only one. All they boys are like blah blah blah girlfriends blah blah football blah blah >.> etc. The girls are always like blah blah blah boyfriends blah blah flirt all the time blah blah do 100000000000000000000 pictures for facebook >.> I mean srsly I'm not exagerating. In da trip they girls did like 500-600 pictures. At the beach, at the pool, in da bathroom srsly? -.- and yea they did in the bathroom too .-. Should I show u guys LOL? they did at the cinema too, at the park, at the shops, and all the places where u actually can take a picture ._. but srsly? 500-600 pictures? omfg. And I'm NOT EVEN IN 1 OF THESE /foreveralone qq... lemme show u guys their duck faces ._. omfg I really hate them. They didn't even spend time with me. I was always with the teacher .-. oh and we slept in a hotel for 2 nights, and the girl that was supposed to "sleep with me" left me to sleep with guys ._. I mean like srsly she was saying she doesn't wanna sleep with me. But she couldn't go to sleep with another girl? With boys? srsly?... wat a besh.

Sorry I really had to type this or I was gonna explode <3 bai bai peeeppssss <3

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